State Associations

Affiliated Emblem Clubs in many States have jointed together to form a State Association under the jurisdiction, and chartered by, the Supreme Emblem Club of the United States of America.  The Supreme Emblem Club issues the Bylaws by which the State Associations are governed.  Each State Association is required to adopt a Major Charity Project, and may adopt secondary projects as they desire.  Each Affiliated Club belonging to the Association is expected to support the Association endeavors.  The “State Associations” are formed for the purpose of uniting, assisting, and promoting the interests of the Clubs.  The exchanging of ideas is beneficial to the Clubs belonging to the State Association

Emblem Topics

The National Magazine “Emblem Topics” was established in 1932.  The subscription cost is included in the Annual Membership Dues.  The magazine, mailed to the home of every member, serves as an excellent means of communication between the Clubs, State Associations, and all the members of the Supreme Emblem Club of the United States of America.

Annual Supreme Convention

The Annual National Convention is held each year, usually in the fall, at various locations throughout the Country.  This Annual Supreme Convention brings together all members of Emblem Clubs who meet together in friendship and fellowship to further the goals and principals of the National Organization.  Delegates and members conduct business and adopt laws of the organization during this time, and the development and progress of the Supreme Emblem Club is furthered at this annual meeting.  Emblem Club members are prohibited from taking up questions of political or sectarian nature in the transaction of their business.

As a Member of Emblem


Supreme President





Past Supreme Presidents

State Assoc.


Message Board

Members Only



edited Feb 26, 2016 0927pm